January 6, 2016: Say Hello To Hunter Shelburne - Community Manager!Hi everyone! Apparently introductions are in order: my name is Hunter and I'm the new Community Manager! That means I'm the eyes and ears . . . and pretty face for Steve Jackson Games that you fine folks get to tweet, post and talk to on a regular basis. I represent YOU! Yes, you! You know who you are! As a hobby I run Weaponsgrade Tabletop, my own YouTube channel for board and miniature gaming. I also frequent social media under my @WGTabletop pseudonym. I'm what you could call a jack-of-all-trades geek. I own far too many board, mini and tabletop games, and I love Star Wars, Lego, GI Joe, Transformers, movies, and comics, among other things. You name it, I'm probably a fan of it! So when you see an SJ Games YouTube video, I'll be there. When you see -HS at the end of an @SJGames tweet, I'll be there. When you see me in person at a convention, I'll be there. I mean who else would it be, my Con Clone (patent pending)? That's crazy talk, at least until I extend the 24 hour survival rate of my clones. I love to talk about games and meet new people, so hit me up on our social channels or at a real life event! Share this post! |
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