Daily Illuminator Archive for January 2016
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January 1, 2016:
The year is 2016. This years marks:
The 35th anniversary of Car Wars . . .
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January 2, 2016:
Fantasy Flight Games' X-Wing Miniatures Game is the best starship combat game of the decade. The game started strong, and now after a few years of miniature releases I can say that it's far deeper and more fun than I had expected when the game was first announced . . .
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January 3, 2016:
Our upcoming Simon's Cat card game has already generated quite a bit of buzz. When we first shared the game with retailers back in November, it was the hit of the party, and now one of our distributor partners -- Peachstate Hobby Distribution -- has posted an overview of the game . . .
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January 4, 2016:
Happy 2016 everyone! Our office doors open back up today and Warehouse 23 is shipping orders soon. "What's in store for 2016, the 15th Anniversary of Munchkin?" you may ask . . .
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January 5, 2016:
Thanks to changes to our approval processes going into and throughout 2015, I was able to resume accepting proposals from writers who weren't on the short list of "staff plus a few old hands who've worked with us forever." Consequently, our bench is comfortably deep as the new year dawns. Though that doesn't immunize us against bad luck (or the flu) -- even finished products can be put on hold for a hundred reasons -- it does let me hint at what's coming up . . .
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January 6, 2016:
Hi everyone! Apparently introductions are in order: my name is Hunter and I'm the new Community Manager! . . .
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January 7, 2016:
We at Steve Jackson Games are looking for creative, multi-talented, competent persons to fill our Webmaster, Marketing Designer, and Copywriter positions. Think about it: this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work for a great company in a growing industry, with a fun environment and friendly coworkers . . .
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January 8, 2016:
Munchkin Guest Artist Edition
The day has finally arrived! Our first Munchkin Guest Artist Edition is now available for preorder on Warehouse 23 and at game stores worldwide! . . .
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January 9, 2016:
Steve Jackson Games has garnered a mention in the book Geek Culture by Kate Norlander (@KateNorlander)! The book focuses on CONvergence, a Minnesota sci-fi and fantasy convention, and celebrates a variety of geek cultures, including gaming . . .
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January 10, 2016:
I ran across this Walt Disney illustrated flowchart at The Economist and can't stop staring at it! The entire Disney empire, as Walt imagined it, diagrammed for us to see how every part of the puzzle fits together and feeds every other piece of the business . . .
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January 11, 2016:
The first in our series of Guest Artist Edition games celebrating 15 years of Munchkin is set for release later this month, and now we're excited to announce that our friends at Game Trade Magazine have shared a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the project. It's always a blast to talk about the process of making games, so when the team at GTM asked us to write about the Guest Artist Edition series we were happy to put fingers to keys . . .
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January 12, 2016:
The 15th anniversary of Munchkin rockets to new heights in March!
Star Munchkin Guest Artist Edition
Go where no Munchkin has gone before with Star Munchkin Guest Artist Edition! All the intergalactic heroes, baddies, and weapons are being beamed up by our friend, artist Len Peralta . . .
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January 13, 2016:
It may be cold outside, but we're already warming up for a big batch of Spring releases!
Chez Geek Spring Break
The Chez Geek crew hits the road for a Chez Geek Spring Break vacation! Pick up the Slack at exotic locations, but watch out for travel impediments like an Unexpected Blizzard! . . .
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January 14, 2016:
Also known as: most timely Stakeholder Report ever. Way to go, Phil! . . .
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January 15, 2016:
May is the month of GURPS and Munchkin, with several supplements and games hitting shelves!
GURPS Basic Set: Characters
GURPS is back with the new printing of GURPS Basic Set! An RPG is nothing without its characters, and GURPS Basic Set: Characters gives players nearly limitless combinations of options . . .
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January 16, 2016:
If you're a font geek, you already know about Dave Nalle's Scriptorium, purveyor of fine typography since way back when. And if you're not a font geek but you do play Munchkin, you're very familiar with one of their fonts: we use Windlass for the box logo and card titles on the original Munchkin set, and a lot of the others too . . .
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January 17, 2016:
Late this month Ross and I will be in Germany for the Nuremberg Toy Fair. This trip is our chance to sit down with our European licensing partners to review the 2016 Munchkin releases and begin discussions on 2017 games . . .
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January 18, 2016:
The first release of Munchkin Guest Artist Edition is now shipping to distributors! This first version stars classic Munchkin, reimagined through the art of Ian McGinty . . .
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January 19, 2016:
The holiday season is coming to a close, and you're almost out of time to grab our holiday themed Munchkin games! Santa is shuttering his doors for vacation, so the following holiday themed expansions and extras are going with him:
Munchkin Christmas Lite
Munchkin Holiday Surprise
Munchkin Naughty & Nice
Munchkin Holidazed
Stocking Stuffers
Jolly Jumbo D6
Munchkin Journal Pack 3
Munchkin Christmas Greeting Card
Munchkin Monstrous Christmas Card
These items will be available on Warehouse 23 until January 31st, or until supplies run out, whichever comes first . . .
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January 20, 2016:
Munchkin Hipsters
Oh, you haven't heard about Munchkin Hipsters? It's only the hottest underground Munchkin expansion; you're probably not cool enough to know about it . . .
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January 21, 2016:
GURPS fans know that Thursday is new-release day at Warehouse 23. We don't release a new digital supplement or Pyramid issue every week -- but when we do, it's on Thursday . . .
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January 22, 2016:
We warned you guys, and now we're happy to report that our first Munchkin Guest Artist Edition game, the classic Munchkin re-illustrated by Ian McGinty, has sold out at our primary warehouse in an impressive three days. The games have shipped out to distributors around the world, and late this month Ian McGinty's Munchkin Guest Artist Edition will reach your favorite local game store . . .
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January 23, 2016:
It's dangerous to adventure alone; you need lots of help! And it's especially useful to have as many friends as you can muster . . .
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January 24, 2016:
The December 2015 issue of Meeple Monthly featured an interview with our very own Phil Reed and Andrew Hackard about the Munchkin Guest Artist Editions, and some of the behind-the-scenes production aspects of making a set. They delve into the origins of the guest artist idea, development of some of the cards, and how the art of Munchkin is integral to the humor of the game . . .
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January 25, 2016:
Munchkin comics Issue #13, which celebrates one year of Munchkin comics, hits shelves this week! The story Of Dire Rats and Men puts Flower in charge of training a young adventurer . . .
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January 26, 2016:
Here's a geek success story: the JoCo Cruise (JoCo, of course, being Jonathan Coulton) will be taking over an entire ship in 2017. Even as a mere "tour group" it's delivered a lot of fun to a lot of people – I was aboard in 2015, will be aboard for the 2016 event in a month, and think the 2017 plans sound pretty darn spiffy . . .
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January 27, 2016:
This weekend is the second annual PAX South convention in San Antonio, TX! This is close to home turf for the Steve Jackson Games crew, so you know we'll be there . . .
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January 28, 2016:
Munchkin fans, how would you like to get the newest Munchkin bookmarks -- complete with in-game benefits -- and the latest promo card? You can . . . if your favorite local game store contacts us right now! . . .
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January 29, 2016:
The Munchkin Book, a collection of essays about your favorite game, is coming in February from our partners at BenBella, and the book is now available for pre-order at Amazon. Edited by James Lowder, this book includes exclusive game rules, original artwork by John Kovalic, and Munchkin secrets from Steve and Andrew . . .
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January 30, 2016:
Only a few days left to get your Munchkin holiday themed games before they go back in Santa's vault! . . .
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January 31, 2016:
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy doesn't care too much about civilization . . . but sometimes, it's the best way to get the extra edge you need to survive -- or win -- in the world's deadliest dungeons. Fortunately, help is available with GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 17: Guilds . . .
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