May 20, 2024: Mmmm . . . PlaymatsThere are certain parts of modern gaming that are commonplace nowadays but nearly unheard of when I started. Like playmats. I have dozens of the things, and just about any game we play – especially card games – has a playmat that we use each session. Sure, I could probably get away with one plain playmat for all my games, but where's the fun in that? It's great to have something different, thematic, and colorful each time we play. We have a number of playmat options available at Warehouse 23. I selected The Fantasy Trip Spiral Arena as one to showcase because 1) the color red is awesome, and 2) it's a neat pattern but one that doesn't distract too much from most games. Are there any other commonplace bits of gaming goodness you find indispensable nowadays that weren't around when you began gaming? Feel free to share your insights on the forums! -- Steven Marsh Share this post! |
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