Daily Illuminator

September 20, 2010: Computers And Tanks

Space Gamer #39 GURPS WWII Classic: Motor Pool A new week means a new batch of e23 uploads. What do we have this time around?

First we have the latest issue of Space Gamer to be uploaded: #39. Perhaps it's time dilation; in the '80's the magazine was monthly, but in the 21st century its weekly! Filled with reviews of computer games, shops, and hardware, it does read a bit like a discussion with a time traveler. But the discussions of game design are timeless, and it's a rare magazine that has articles by Steve Jackson, Tim Zahn, and Richard "Lord British" Garriott.

The other upload is also historical: GURPS WWII Classic: Motor Pool. Over one hundred vehicles from The War To End All Wars fill the pages, from the M-1A1 Pack Howitzer to the Landsverk L210 Armored Motorcycle, from the Messerschmitt Me 323 Gigant to the Iowa-Class Battleship. And if the vehicle your campaign needs isn't listed, there are a dozen pages of new design options, fully compatible with GURPS Classic: Vehicles.

-- Paul Chapman

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