Daily Illuminator

November 10, 2010: GURPS Low-Tech: What's Inside?

GURPS Low-Tech Somehow, GURPS Low-Tech has sped along its print track, and the rumors are flying that it has already arrived in the warehouse. Conspiracy theorists are opining that the "we sent it to press" announcement was just a smokescreen, and the actual files were sent back in 1987.

Whatever the reality of the situation, many GURPSheads have already picked up the PDF version of Low-Tech. In fact, as of this writing, Low-Tech is #53 on the list of best-selling PDFs of all time on e23. It's officially the fastest selling GURPS PDF we've ever published!

However, we recognize that some of you GURPS fans out there haven't picked it up yet. Perhaps you're waiting on the dead tree version; the object of your desire will arrive quite soon. But if you're still on the fence, if you're still deciding whether or not you'll actually purchase the book . . . well, I can help right now.

We've uploaded a new batch of sneak peek pages, over and above the PDF preview you've already seen. This set includes five pages of alternate technology paths, rules for sneaky characters -- how to spot a concealed door, for instance! -- and ways to bring a heavy dose of realism to first aid and ranged weapons.

Download it, read it, and make an informed descision about GURPS Low-Tech. Then you can tell your significant other that you're not just mindlessly collecting GURPS; you're critically evaluating each one on its own basis. (No, that wouldn't fly with my wife, either.)

-- Paul Chapman

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