July 13, 2019: Deadly Doodles Review By Boardgames & BourbonOur upcoming draw 'n' draw game, Deadly Doodles, doesn't reach game stores until next month, but we're already seeing some great buzz after selling through all the copies we took to Origins last month. The game plays fast, is great for all ages, and has demoed quite well at every show that we have taken it to this year. Now, thanks to the wonders of the internet, you can get your first look at Deadly Doodles in this short video review from Boardgames & Bourbon. The review mentions our use of B&W cards and dry-erase board, and I wanted to take a moment to explain. Color in this style of game makes it difficult for some players to easily absorb the info, and we wanted everyone – yes, even me and my failing eyesight – to understand the symbols on the cards and dry-erase boards. So we selected B&W to make the game as easy for everyone to see as possible. Enjoy the review, and don't forget to preorder Deadly Doodles at your favorite local game store! -- Phil Reed Share this post! |
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