July 17, 2019: Ogre Miniatures Set 3 Now On IndiegogoIn our recent report on active Kickstarter campaigns, we wrote: "One of the things we're learning as we expand our crowdfunding efforts is that our ability to create and track projects exceeds the limitations and restrictions of the tools we've been using. For that reason, we're exploring other crowdfunding and direct-to-you options for funding some of the projects that we have in the works." Since that Daily Illuminator entry, we've selected Indiegogo as the home for upcoming Ogre crowdfunding campaigns. This is, obviously, an experiment, so things may change as we test the waters. But a few days ago, we launched Ogre Miniatures Set 3 on Indiegogo, which is now in the funding period. If successful, this campaign brings both the Doppelsoldner and Ogre Mark VI miniatures to plastic, so now is your chance to back the new campaign to help make this a reality. As always, we encourage everyone to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for notification when new projects and experiments go live. We'll update the Daily Illuminator, as always, but those two social-media channels are the best way to get early notice when we bring something new into the spotlight. -- Phil Reed Share this post! |
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